Fruit Salad (Day 6)

Had a lovely meal with Aaron’s parents last night. They brought over fruit dessert! I’m finding that I’m going to have to be more careful with how much fruit I eat; I’m eating too many carbs right now.

Morning Bacon!

Morning Eggs!

Salad with nova, raspberries, mangos, and homemade dressing (Lunch).

Banana (Lunch).

Spicy tilapia with olives and tomatoes & salad with balsamic vinegar (Dinner).

Fruit salad (Dessert).

Totals Day 6

Until tomorrow,

Still Getting Back Into It (Day 5)

I’m finding it difficult to not cheat here and there and everywhere with paleo. I’m used to falling back on my cheat day, and that would keep me strong during the week. What am I endlessly allured to?

Those fruity, delicious summer drinks.

Yes, in the past few days, I’ve had shots, beers, and piña coladas. Fellow dieters, alcohol is possibly the best way to undermine your diet and travel down a dangerously delectable path to obesity and beyond. I have to stave myself off.

To be clear, no, I’m not drinking alone. I’m a 20-something in the summertime. There is temptation everywhere.

I need to get out of the mindset that alcohol is something I can have whenever I want. I mean I can, but my body can’t handle it. Oh Miss Colada. I will miss you.

I have been without consistent internet for the past few days, but I’ve been pretty good with keeping paleo. I would say I’m 90% there. Okay. Eighty if you count the alcohol. Maybe 75%. But today was especially good. Pictures!  Continue reading

So Much Better than 4HB (Day 2)

This diet is so easy compared to 4 Hour Body. Tomorrow I’m spoiling myself and running off to Whole Foods for some simple organic gluten and dairy free paleo snacks! Delicious! Suggestions? Tomorrow I intend to go out with some friends for a birthday, so I will definitely cheat a little. We will see how it goes :).  Continue reading